At this point in time you are reeling in pain and shock and wondering what on earth went wrong. It’s that moment we all dread, even if at times we’ve seen it coming; your ex tells you that your relationship is over.Even if all you want is to find out what they are thinking and feeling about you, it is so important to give them some space right now. It is the period just after you have broken up that is the most crucial. Saying and doing the right things at this time are vital factors in your relationship with your ex. Initially, when your ex tells you they want to break up, your best course of action is to slowly and considerately agree with them, perhaps even telling them you had been thinking about a break too. Doing this may sound strange, but it is guaranteed that this is the very last thing your lost love is expecting to hear. This is the most effective way of responding to the situation, rather than bombarding your lost love with text messages or phone calls. If you have already been constantly contacting your lost love in one way or another then there is another approach you can try to diffuse the situation. You ex may be thinking you are some sort of raving lunatic who can't function without them, so you need to redress this and put yourself in a better position. What you do now is you write them a little letter. Just tell them that you agree with them about breaking up, that it is the best thing you can do for both of you. It will cause your lost love to think twice and see you as being potentially unavailable to them, which makes you more alluring to them. The letter must be very brief and the only thing you should say is that you agree with the break up. This ploy will only work if you write a letter. Don't be tempted to call them and tell them, or to do it by text message. If you are wondering what makes the letter method so effective, then I will tell you. You are telling your ex, in your own writing, that you have really listened and heard what they have said. You're telling them they were right. Why would yet another call or text message make a differrence? If your lost love has been bombarded by them, they are not going to take much notice of another one. A letter says you have taken time and effort to communicate something to them, making it much more likely tat they will treat it seriously.

letter to get an ex back

love letter to win back your ex

love letter to win back your ex

If you would like a copy of the second chance letter that is ALREADY written for you and has been proven to WORK, then go straight to letter to ex boyfriend You'll find more great tips and strategies that will show you exactly how to get back with you ex at How to Get Ex Back Tips.